Millions of people worldwide have taken to the streets to celebrate their rights and protest Donald Trump’s presidency. Signs and slogans condemned Trump’s comments about women, minorities, Muslims, the LGBT community and the GOP’s plans to crack down on undocumented Americans and Planned Parenthood.

Cats and cat ears were everywhere, in answer to Trump’s 2005 “grab ’em by the pussy” remark.

Tens of thousands gathered in Pershing Square in Los Angeles beginning in the early morning.

Trains into downtown Los Angeles were packed. Miles from downtown, at the Hollywood and Highland stop, a Wrap reporter was unable to board three trains because they were too full, and finally took one going in the wrong direction to get to a less-crowded train going downtown.

Many signs used ovaries as symbols of power and resistance.

The LA. march went from Pershing Square to Grand Park, located adjacent to City Hall.

Many had only sympathy for Melania Trump.

The words “Free Melania” came up a lot.

Men stood by the women of the U.S. in solidarity.

A doctored emoji illustrated this petitioner’s words.

More cats, with their claws proudly out.

Carrie Fisher lived on in marchers’ hearts as Princess Leia became a symbol of resistance.

… and she brought The Force with her.

You’re probably right about that.

A big theme: hands off. And rosaries off, too.

Many Hillary Clinton quotes made their way into the festivities.

Pink hats, cat ears and pink hats with cat ears were very popular.

Neoliberal: “a liberal who de-emphasizes traditional liberal doctrines in order to seek progress by more pragmatic methods.” Thank you, Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

People of all ages spoke their minds…

… with different histories…

… with different messages…

… with different visions…

… on different platforms…

… and in different ways.

Strange but true fact about English slang. No joking.

It’s all about the hair.

Good for a giggle.


Women uniting for one cause from Berlin…

… to London women thinking of the future…

… and them thinking of the past…

… to Sydney, Australia…

… and back here at the nation’s capital…

… Washington, D.C…

Where one protester voiced a grim reminder of the years to come.