The Best Film of 2010 — It’s Yogi Bear

No, not that thing in theaters — it’s this animated spoof of “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”

So we’re at the time of year where everyone and their grandmother roll out a list of the year’s best films. Well I decided to do things a little differently. I’m going to just name the best film I saw all year right now. I Have a lot to choose from but I think the winner is obvious.

Drum Roll.

Booboo Shoots Yogi Bear.

I’m being serious (sort of.) At worst I’m being a prisoner of the moment. I should also confess that I haven’t scene "True Grit" yet. But after I see True Grit I’m sure this masterpiece will be no worse than second best.

All kidding aside this is a great little piece of filmmaking, regardless of criteria. First I admire the guts of the director Edmund Earle to base his spoof off of 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford." Secondly the guy got it right on both accounts. Obviously his render and animation of Yogi and Booboo is terrific. It’s as good as the actual movie. And the animation perfectly matches the "Jesse James" footage.

Compare the two scenes

For me, the spoof actually works better than the original scene. Granted the scene in "Jesse James" is the culmination of an entire movie and a long one at that. But Earle’s little mini movie is self contained and delivers all the pathos of the live action scene. Booboo is just as twitchy and pathetic as Casey Afleck is in the scene — and Yogi actually delivers a better performance.

In the scene it’s unclear if Brad Pitt is just unlucky or truly giving in. In the Booboo and Yogi scene the character dynamics are clearer.

What I love about this one is it displays the two elements that so many other films lack; effort and courage. It took a LOT of effort to get this little two minute short to look as good as it did. And it took courage to play it nearly 100% straight, at least until the bear rug gag at the end.

And the YouTube clip now has as many views as Yogi Bear had paying customers. Maybe the people behind the theatrical movie should have shown as much creativity. Showing up a soulless, big budget flop like "Yogi," that’s going to top my list every time.
