“Last Tango in Paris” director Bernardo Bertolucci had harsh words for Ridley Scott this weekend, telling a crowd at the Bari International Film Festival that he thinks the “All the Money in the World” filmmaker “should be ashamed” for removing Kevin Spacey from the lead role.
While Bertolucci said he respects the #MeToo movement and the awareness of abuse that it has raised, he thinks that Scott gave in to industry demands by making a deal with TriStar Pictures to reshoot Spacey’s scenes as J. Paul Getty with Christopher Plummer replacing him in the role. The sudden reshoots just weeks away from release were announced after the Spacey cut of the film was pulled from the closing night of AFI Fest in the wake of sexual assault accusations against Spacey made by several men.
Since those accusations were made, with the first coming from actor Anthony Rapp, investigations have been opened against Spacey by law enforcement in Los Angeles and London. A confidential hotline was opened by the Old Vic Theater, which Spacey was the artistic director of for 11 years, to allow anyone with allegations of abuse by Spacey to step forward. Meanwhile, Netflix removed Spacey from their marquee series, “House of Cards,” with Robin Wright becoming the main character for the show’s final season later this year.
But as Spacey’s career has nosedived, Bertolucci said that after seeing Spacey get erased from “All the Money in the World” he “immediately wanted to make a film” with the actor.
Bertolucci came scrutiny after footage leaked two years ago of a masterclass in which the director revealed that actress Maria Schneider had not been fully informed of crucial details in a scene in “Last Tango in Paris” where Marlon Brando’s character uses a stick of butter as a lubricant to simulate sex with Schneider. Before her death in 2011, Schneider said in an interview that she “felt humiliated and, to be honest, I felt a little raped, both by Marlon and by Bertolucci.”
Bertolucci has since defended himself, saying that aside from the butter, he knew about the violent nature of the rape scene. He continued to defend himself at the Bari Festival this weekend.
“On the set she was happy,” he said. “Do not believe on social media when they say it was rape: the butter scene was pure simulation.”