HBO has premiered the first trailer for "Behind the Candelabra: The Secret Life of Liberace," Steven Soderbergh's final film before what he calls his retirement.
The drama — which Soderbergh said studios thought was "too gay" for a theatrical release — stars Michael Douglas as the world-renowned pianist Liberace, with Matt Damon playing his lover, Scott Thorson.
Also read: Steven Soderbergh: Every Studio Rejected Liberace Film as 'Too Gay'
Written by Richard LaGravenese, the film follows the flamboyant musician's five-year relationship with Thorson, which ended with the latter filing a massive palimony lawsuit against Liberace.
The teaser does not reveal any footage from the upcoming biopic, but it does suggest a certain tone as ivory piano keys fall behind sparkling titles, leading up to the May 26 premiere date.
Watch the video: