Glenn Beck is going to address the James Cameron “poisonous” rant on his Fox News show Tuesday night.
At a press event in West Hollywood on Tuesday, Cameron let some flowery language fly when asked what he thought about Beck: “Glenn Beck is a f—ing a–hole. I’ve met him. He called me the anti-Christ, and not about ‘Avatar.’ He hadn’t even seen ‘Avatar’ yet. I don’t know if he has seen it."
When asked by TheWrap for a response, a representative for Beck said, “Glenn will address on his show tonight, tune in.”
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Cameron and Beck have a history that dates back to 2007, when the then-CNN host – while talking about the release of Cameron’s documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” – said this: "Many people believe James Cameron officially has tossed his hat in the ring today and is officially running for anti-Christ."
On Tuesday, Cameron quickly backtracked, if slightly, during the junket: "I think, you know what, he may or may not be an a–hole, but he certainly is dangerous, and I’d love to have a dialogue with him."
What makes Beck dangerous?
"He’s dangerous because his ideas are poisonous. I couldn’t believe when he was on CNN. I thought, what happened to CNN? Who is this guy? Who is this madman? And then of course he wound up on Fox News, which is where he belongs, I guess."
Of course, both Cameron and Beck are important to News Corp.’s bottom line – and both are favorites of Rupert Murdoch.
Last month, while discussing News Corp.’s quarterly earnings, Murdoch praised “Avatar” and Cameron for helping boost earnings for its 20th Century Fox studio.
And when asked about an "Avatar" sequel, Murdoch said the company is in "very early talks about a sequel. Jim (Cameron) has ideas, but we haven’t agreed on anything yet."
Murdoch added: "we’ll be pushing for it."