BBC News started the week with an apology Monday morning, after the network ran a photo of Viola Davis on air, with a headline about Beyoncé. According to the network, “this fell below the BBC’s usual standards.”
The moment came on Sunday night, as the BBC was doing their Grammys coverage. One user on Twitter posted a photo of their screen, showing a BBC News chyron reading “Beyoncé’s big night,” but showing a photo of Davis — at the Golden Globes.
“Who’s gonna tell @BBCNews” they wrote, tagging the Recording Academy as well.
“It’s not just maddona who’s unrecognisable these days,” one person joked in response to the photo mix-up.
That said, many users argued that the photo came as part of a video package about the Grammys as a whole, and indeed, Viola Davis won her first Grammy on Sunday. In fact, the award officially made her an EGOT club member. (Even so, it likely would’ve been a better fit to include an image of Davis at the Grammys in this case.)
Still, the network apologized for the moment, admitting it “fell below” their “usual standards.”
“We apologise for the mistake last night when our news channels briefly showed a photograph of Viola Davis from January’s Golden Globes alongside a headline about Beyoncé at yesterday’s Grammys,” BBC News wrote on Twitter Monday morning. “This fell below the BBC’s usual standards.”
You can see a full list of the 2023 Grammy winners here.