BBC Worldwide is giving quite the wedding present: It will donate all of its proceeds from the the Royal Wedding to the foundation created by Prince William and his brother.
Also read: Royal Wedding Review: 'William & Kate Plus 2 Billion'
DVDs and downloads of the Royal Wedding — plus the BBC's revenue for allowing 40 broadcasters in 25 countries to use BBC1's live feed of the event — are expected to raise at least £150,000 (about $250,000) for The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.
But they could raise much more, if DVD and download sales are on par with widespread viewing and massive Internet traffic for the event. A record-breaking 2 billion people were expected to watch the ceremony overall.
BBC Worldwide will deduct its acquisition and distribution costs before giving the proceeds to the foundation, BBC reps told TheWrap. It declined to provide the cost of its feed.
The princes' foundation raises money for many organizations, with a special focus on helping young people, the environment, and veterans.