Here’s How to Watch All the Batman Movies in Chronological Order

From “Dark Knight” to DCEU and beyond

Few modern characters have captivated audiences and storytellers alike quite like Batman. Ever since writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane debuted the character in a 1939 issue of Detective Comics, the Dark Knight has demanded interest, first in comics, but soon also in TV, games and of course, movies. Because, goodness, there sure are a lot of Batman movies.

It didn’t take long for The Caped Crusader to arrive on film, making his theatrical debut all the way back in 1943 with a pair of Columbia Pictures serial films, and since then, the character’s cultural imprint has grown exponentially, with more than nine actors taking on the role in film – in fact, we’re about to have three live-action Batmen at the same time with the arrival of “The Flash.”
