WrestleMania 35: Watch Batista Get Powerbombed Onto Steel Steps in WWE Return (Video)

Drax gets destroyed

Batista - WWE.com

Batista — better known to movie fans as Dave Bautista — returned to WWE Sunday at WrestleMania 35, and was put through a particularly brutal match against Triple H.

Watch one of the better — or rougher — spots suffered during their No Holds Barred contest:


“Boing” indeed, R. Dream. Might want to stick to acting, Dave.

That back-breaking Powerbomb was not the only time the ring steps were used during the battle between the former Evolution teammates. The “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor did a little damage with the stairs of steel as well.

Want some definitely not-PG violence? Earlier in the match, there was the below spot. We strongly recommend not watching the following video if you have a nose piercing.

Before Triple H went to the needle-nose pliers, he used a pair of channel locks on his foe’s fingers. Those weren’t the only items Paul Levesque picked up during an apparent Home Depot stop — chains, anyone?

Really, you haven’t turned away in horror yet? OK, back to the bumps:

So, yeah, what we’re saying is, it was a rough match. With a little help from his friend Ric Flair — and of course a trusty sledgehammer — Triple H ended up with the win. With the “W,” the part-time wrestler and full-time WWE executive got to keep his in-ring career intact.

TheWrap exclusively reported the news of Batista’s WrestleMania 35 match against Triple H.
