It’s Barbra Streisand’s 75th birthday. Amidst promoting her latest album “Encore” and being a celebrity badass, she somehow manages to hop on Twitter and roast Donald Trump almost on the daily. So happy birthday, Babs! We’re celebrating with 15 of your most hilariously mean POTUS tweets.

Back in September, when she still had hope, Streisand took shots when many were critiquing Hillary Clinton’s health.

She has been kind enough to remind Trump of his running opponent.

She even uses memes.

Streisand attacked Trump’s wealth, which seems to be a button that is so easily pushed.

On election night, she said what many were thinking.

After the election, she called for Trump to be held accountable.

After news of the ban of people coming to the U.S. from several “Muslim countries,” Streisand thought something seemed fishy…

She’s gettin’ real with us. We want pancakes, too. But wait, there’s more…

… Time for more pancakes! Preach, girl.

Stepping up her numbers game.

Streisand really went where it would hurt Trump most: his hands.

Using a hashtag to call out Trump’s “accomplishments.” We see your Twitter game, Barbra.

Calling out Trump’s hypocrisy, Streisand brings Ivanka into her line of fire.

Bringing in the facts again to counter Trump’s policies.