Brent Bozell, the president of the Media Research Center, appeared on Fox News Thursday night and suggested President Barack Obama looks like a skinny ghetto crackhead.
Yep, that exact phrase.
Bozell was talking with Mark Steyn — filling in for Sean Hannity — about MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who said in March that GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich looks like a car bomber.
After Steyn joked that Gingrich just looked like a "big, ugly, slightly older Winnie the Pooh," Bozell wondered how long Hannity’s show would last “if four times in one sentence [Hannity] made a comment about, say, the President of the United States and said he looked like a skinny ghetto crackhead."
So far so good — until Bozell moved out of the arena of hypothetical, adding: "Which, by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does.”
Also Read: Watch Barack Obama's Baritone 'Black History Minute' PSA — from 1991 (Video)
In Bozell’s opinion, everybody on the left would demand Hannity be fired for making such a remark.
Seems to us that means people should demand Bozell be fired.
Watch him: