During the finale of ABC’s “The Bachelorette” on Monday night, producers aired footage of the upcoming season of “Bachelor in Paradise” — specifically the part of the show over which production was halted due to allegations of sexual misconduct in June.
In the trailer, Corinne Olympios arrives in paradise and jumps into the pool with DeMario Jackson. Later that night, Olympios and Jackson are pulled aside by producers and the camera men are asked to stop filming, while contestants on the show are confused as to what is going on.
“Are Corinne and DeMario okay?” a cast member can be heard saying in the new promo video.
Olympios and Jackson were at the forefront of the sexual misconduct allegations in June after an encounter between contestants the two contestants, which Olympios claimed had been non-consensual. Warner Bros., which produces the show through Warner Horizon Television, announced last month that no evidence of misconduct had been found and that production would resume.
Olympios’ team had also concluded the investigation to her “satisfaction” and the former contestant is “happy about the changes that have been made to the production.”
“Bachelor in Paradise” will premiere on Monday. Cast members include Raven Gates, Amanda Stanton, Robby Hayes, Derek Peth and Kristina Schulman.
Watch the video above.