"The Avengers" will debut as the closing-night attraction at the Tribeca Film Festival, continuing the New York-based festival's tradition of mixing independent films with a high-profile blockbuster or two.
The long-awaited superhero movie from Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures, which stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansen, Jeremy Renner and Samuel L. Jackson, will screen on Saturday, April 28 to close the 11th edition of Tribeca.
The festival launched in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and their devastating effect on lower Manhattan businesses, and the premiere will celebrate police, firefighters, military, first responders and other real-life heroes. The film finds The Avengers assembling to save Manhattan — and the world — from fictional devastation.
“Showing at Tribeca is both an honor and a double homecoming for me, who grew up in Manhattan, and for the movie, which wrapped production there," said "Avengers" director Joss Whedon. "I’m thoroughly psyched to be closing the festival with our intimate little think-piece.”
In the past, the fest has showcased such blockbusters as "Shrek Forever After" and "Mission: Impossible III." The inaugural festival in 2002 included the premiere of "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones."
This year's festival will open on April 18 with "The Five-Year Engagement," starring Jason Segel and Emily Blunt and directed by Nicholas Stoller.
"We are proud that Marvel's 'The Avengers' is the closing film of this year’s Tribeca Film Festival and we are excited to welcome local heroes to the screening as special guests," said Marvel Studios’ producer Kevin Feige says. "We all know and love our iconic super heroes, but when it really counts, it's our real-life heroes who save the world every day by making it a better place for all of us."
"Marvel's 'The Avengers' is an exciting ride that absolutely transports audiences,” said Jane Rosenthal, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival. "It is the perfect way to end our 11th Festival."