After 13 years of waiting for the technology to catch up to his vision, James Cameron is finally ready to bring back the Na’vi with 20th Century’s “Avatar: The Way of Water,” the sequel to the all-time box office king that surely isn’t going to repeat the historic run of its predecessor.
Oh, yes, it almost surely will ride its strong worldwide buzz, an 85% score on Rotten Tomatoes and over a decade of anticipation to an opening weekend of at least $150 million domestic and $400 million worldwide, according to box office trackers. With a long runway through the holiday season, it is in prime position to accumulate a global total of at least $1.5
‘Avatar 2’ Probably Won’t Match the Original’s Box Office Record – But There’s a Way (of Water)
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In 2009, James Cameron made a movie with a theatrical run unlike any seen before or since. Now he’ll try to make lightning strike twice