Matthew Bramlett
Conde Nast Launching Video Channels for New Yorker, Lucky and Bon Appetit
Channels will be part of ‘The Scene,’ a new digital platform to go live in July 2014
Cinedigm Scores 15-Picture Distribution Deal With Rapid Eye Film
The deal between Cinedigm and Red Eye Film includes three to four genre films per year
First Photo of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Cast
Harrison Ford, Adam Driver and more assemble for first “Episode VII” table read
Fox News Host Awkwardly Backtracks After Calling George Clooney Gay (Video)
“The Five’s” Eric Bolling clarifies that he was kidding (twice!) after brazenly calling George Clooney gay
Ketchum Labs and BlackBox TV Teaming Up to Terrify YouTube Stars and Explore Haunted House
They will collaborate on “Fight of the Living Dead” and “Villisca”
Clive Owen Plays a Bloody Surgeon in Teaser for Steven Soderbergh’s ‘The Knick’ (Video)
The two team up on surgical drama that takes place in the gory days before modern medicine