‘Atomic Blonde’ Accused of Using #BuryYourGays Trope (Spoilers)

Social media says Charlize Theron film brutalizes LGBT person for effect

Atomic Blonde

Charlize Theron’s kick-ass “Atomic Blonde” has elicited high praise for the 41-year-old actress, thanks to her visceral stunts and the film’s neon spin on the spy genre.

But a plot point that kills a supporting character has the internet crying foul, and accusing the Focus Features release of using the dreaded “Bury Your Gays” trope often seen in films and television.

The trope says that LGBT characters included in any given scripted story are never allowed happy endings — especially lesbians — and are often brutalized and murdered as a result.

Warning: the rest of this post contains spoilers from “Atomic Blonde.”
