Ashton Kutcher to Become First ‘Two and a Half Men’ Star in Space

Somewhat like his predecessor Charlie Sheen, Ashton Kutcher plans to spend a lot of money getting real high

And people thought Ashton's Kutcher's "Two and a Half Men" predecessor Charlie Sheen had a tendency to get way out there…

Kutcher has signed on to go into space, as a customer of Richard Branson's upcoming Virgin Galactic service, which will shuttle rich people from the Earth, probably to escape to a distant planet as the accelerating class warfare lays waste to the ground below.

Also read: Ashton Kutcher on "Two and a Half Men": How Did We Get Here?

"Two and a Half Men" star Kutcher will be the company's 500th customer, Branson announced on his blog Monday.

"I gave Ashton a quick call to congratulate and welcome him," Branson wrote. "He is as thrilled as we are at the prospect of being among the first to cross the final frontier (and back!) with us and to experience the magic of space for himself."

Also read: Charlie Sheen: Ashton Kutcher Sucks

According to Branson, Virgin Galactic's spaceships "are built and flying in the final stages of our exhaustive test flight program." Tickets for the flights run $200,000.

Actor Brad Pitt and "X-Men" director Bryan Singer are also among those who have reportedly booked tickets for Virgin Galactic flights.
