How does “Supergirl” fit into the four-show crossover with “Arrow,” “The Flash” and “Legends of Tomorrow”?
“Arrow” executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed the technology that allowed Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) to visit the alternate universe where Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) resides back in Season 1 of “Supergirl,” when it was still on CBS, will be key to bringing the Girl of Steel into the Arrowverse for the annual crossover event.
“Last year, ‘Supergirl’ established that the Flash was able to make his way to what I call ‘Earth CBS,’ and it stands to reason that, with the proper breach technology, the reverse can happen,” Guggeinheim told reporters following a screening Tuesday. “Once the heroes realize that they’re up against aliens, they decide that they need an alien on their side, and fortunately, Barry knows a really nice one.”
Guggenheim is referring to this year’s crossover’s Big Bad, previously revealed to be the alien race known as the Dominators.
“I don’t think it’s a big shock that between Barry and Cisco and all their experiences with Earth 2 and the multiverse, that they can pluck her from ‘Earth CBS,’” Guggenheim concluded.
The “Arrow” episode of the crossover will also mark the show’s 100th episode, and Guggenheim also revealed they will bring back villains John Barrowman and Neal McDonough as Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk, respectively.
“Everyone who we could have in the episode, from a scheduling point of view, is in the episode,” Guggenheim said. “Even the people who we couldn’t have, because of conflicting schedules, are represented. At the same time, you’ve got Flash and Supergirl. That’s an enormous amount of fun.”
The “Supergirl”-“The Flash”-“Arrow”-“Legends of Tomorrow” crossover is expected to air in November.