Comedian Will Sasso posted a video in which he provides some pretty incredible commentary on several “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” scenes, all in the voice of The Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Sasso nails the impression beyond just the voice, though. Schwarzenegger is known for the weird banality of his DVD commentary on his own movies, and Sasso nails that too (“Look they’re wearing masks here!”). If you didn’t know it was Will Sasso doing the Ahnold voice, you might just assume it’s Schwarzenegger himself — it’s that good.
It’s also admirable entertainment for your Monday/Tax Day morning. Sasso has long been known for his celebrity impersonations on MadTV and elsewhere. And his Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions have long been popular, so it’s good to see him keep it up.
Watch the video above.