Armie Hammer Deletes His Twitter After ‘Bitter’ BuzzFeed Article

Fans lament the loss of a favorite Twitter voice

Armie Hammer
Getty Images

Armie Hammer, who is starring in the critical darling “Call Me By Your Name,” deleted his Twitter account Monday after BuzzFeed published an article titled “10 Long Years of Trying to Make Armie Hammer Happen,” which took what many fans considered a needlessly brutal look at his career.

Hammer’s Twitter account has been celebrated not only by Hammer Heads and Armie Wives — names for his fanbase — but by several outlets for its humor and BDSM leanings. His most notable Twitter moment was probably earlier this year, when he called out James Woods, who made a comment about the age difference between Hammer’s character and his love interest, played by Timothée Chalamet, in “Call Me By Your Name.”

“Didn’t you date a 19 year old when you were 60…….?” Hammer replied, spurring a response by actress Amber Tamblyn, who recalled Woods trying to pick up her and her friend when she was only 16.

Hammer’s first response to the BuzzFeed article was a “bitter AF” tweet, which is, alas, now gone, along with everything else.

The article discusses the “many second chances” Hammer has had in his career, saying the Hollywood system gives handsome, straight white men more chances than women and minorities.

The article was met with mixed reactions. Many agreed that Hollywood should be more diverse and inclusive, but took issue with personalizing that point by focusing on Hammer.

Now, fans are lamenting the loss of Hammer’s Twitter. Don’t worry, though, his Instagram is still up and running.

There are still fans who are pointing out that those defending Hammer should also defend women and people of color:
