"jOBS" has only debuted one short clip for the public, but according to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, it's completely inaccurate.
After watching the scene featuring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs trying to convince Wozniak (played by Josh Gad) that his software has significant market and social value, the real Wozniak commented on Gizmodo to point out that the on-screen interaction was "very wrong."
Also read: Ashton Kutcher Looks Like Kelso, Acts Like Steve Jobs in First 'jOBS' Clip (Video)
"We never had such interaction and roles," the computer programmer wrote. "I'm not even sure what it's getting at…personalities are very wrong, although mine is closer."
Score one for Gad.
The clip features the fictional Wozniak being dismissive of the public's interest in his operating system with Jobs passionately persuading him otherwise. The real-life Wozniak, on the other hand, argues it was the other way around.
"Don't forget that my purpose was inspired by the values of the Homebrew Computer Club along with ideas of the value of such machines," he continued. "And Steve J. wasn't around and didn't attend the club so he was the one learning about such social impact of the future."
In an email later sent to the technology blog, Wozniak explains the real story behind the dramatized encounter in more detail.
"Steve came back from Oregon and came to a club meeting and didn't start talking about this great social impact. His idea was to make a $20 PC board and sell it for $40 to help people at the club build the computer I'd given away," he added. "Steve came from selling surplus parts at HalTed he always saw a way to make a quick buck off my designs (this was the 5th time)."
Also read: Open Road FIlms Acquires 'jOBS' With Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs
And more importantly, Wozniak points out the grossest inaccuracy depicted: His wardrobe.
"I never wore a tie back then. I wore blue jeans and the same style blue button-up shirt every day of my life," he said in a second email. "I was not like a professional in demeanor ever."
Ultimately Wozniak isn't offended by liberties taken by director Joshua Michael Stern and writer Matt Whiteley as long as the movie is "fun and entertaining." Sure, he's a little "embarrassed" by the notion that he was anything close looking "like a professional" at that time in his life, but he won't judge a book by it's cover. Or rather, an entire movie by one clip.
"It's only one clip," he rationalizes. "The movie should be very popular and I hope it's entertaining. It may be very correct, as well. This is only one clip."
Anyone interested in the facts, he points out, should read his book, "iWoz."