Apple Hit With Class-Action Suit Over Alleged iTunes Double-Charging

Pennsylvania woman claims that she was forced to pay for the same song twice on iTunes, and that Apple "has made millions of dollars" from her and others

Apple has struck a bum note with one iTunes user, and now the company has been slapped with a lawsuit that could cost them to the tune of millions of dollars.

Pennsylvania resident Phoebe Juel filed a class-action lawsuit claiming that she was unjustly charged twice for the same song through iTunes, and that she's far from the only victim of this alleged digital double-dipping.

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Juel says that, on New Year's Eve 2010, she purchased a song from iTunes, but the tune did not show up in her iTunes or on her computer, and numerous attempts to access the song were "fruitless." (Pun possibly intended?)

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"Plaintiff justifiably believed that the song had not been purchased and purchased the music again," the suit continues.

Apple has not yet responded to TheWrap's request for comment.

Juel places the fault at Apple's feet because its iTunes program "concealed the fact that Plaintiff had purchased the music by not allowing Plaintiff to access or play the song she had purchased."

Individual songs typically go for 99 cents at iTunes.

While Juel — who claims breach of contract, fraud and unjust enrichment in the suit — only says that the class she's representing with the suit numbers "over forty [40] persons," she clearly believes that many, many more have shared her ordeal.

"Apple has made millions of dollars it was not entitled to receive," the suit reads.

Pamela Chelin contributed to this report.
