Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday Speech Interrupted by Anti-Dairy Protesters (Video)

Members of Direct Action Everywhere held signs reading “Let Dairy Die”

Joe Biden Super Tuesday Protester
David McNew / Getty Images

Protesters affiliated with the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere interrupted former Vice President Joe Biden during what amounted to his Super Tuesday victory speech before supporters in Los Angeles.

As they were led away from the stage by security, two protesters shouted slogans and help up signs that said “Let Dairy Die.”

The moment came about 10 minutes into the speech. Biden was speaking broadly about his political coalition and his intention to help improve things for the American middle class when an unidentified woman ran across the stage. She was quickly intercepted by security and escorted away from the stage as the crowd booed to drown out the chanting.

Shortly after, a second woman ran on stage behind Biden, shouting the same slogan and carrying a similar sign. She was also escorted off stage, after which Biden resumed his speech.

Moments after the episode, Direct Action Now claimed responsibility in a press release posted to an unlocked Google document. Within minutes, an edit war appeared to break out, as detractors repeatedly deleted the statement and replaced it with snide insults and links, and Direct Action Everywhere repeatedly re-pasted the document. The group eventually changed the document to view only.

“Biden’s ties to the dairy industry and indifference to the suffering of farmed animals — something he basically never talks about — flies in the face of everything he claims to stand for,” the group said in part. “We’re asking him to stand with animal rights advocates, environmental activists, and ordinary citizens — and against the inherent violence of the dairy industry.”

Biden isn’t the only candidate to be interrupted by Direct Action Everywhere. Members of the group interrupted a speech by Sen. Bernie Sanders in February.
