The Animation Guild has reached tentative agreement with Hollywood producers on a new three-year collective bargaining agreement.
The labor contract, which runs from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2015, was negotiated with animation producers represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). News of the deal was posted on the guild's site Wednesday.
The Animation Guild is local union 139 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and represents 2,800 artists, writers and technicians employed in the animation industry.
The guild’s negotiation committee has recommended the contract to its membership for ratification. The agreement will be sent to members once contract language is finalized.
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The contract calls for two percent annual compounded wage increases. Health, pension and benefits are to be provided under the terms of the IATSE basic agreement. Other provisions of the new agreement include a new storyboard revisionist classification, and changes to the talent development program and wage minimums at DreamWorks Animation.
The employers with which the Guild reached agreement include ABC, Adelaide (Sony), Animated Productions (Paramount), Cartoon Network, Cast & Crew Payroll, CBS, Columbia, DeLuxe Laboratories, DreamWorks Animation, Entertainment Partners, FPS Services, Fox TV Animation, Legendary, MGM Animation, Muddy Water, NBC Universal, PES Payroll, Turner Films, Walt Disney Pictures and Warner Bros. Animation.
The AMPTP issued the following statement:
“Both sides worked through some difficult issues to reach an agreement that gives members of The Animation Guild the same benefits package and two percent annual wage increase as recently negotiated in the IATSE Hollywood Basic Agreement. The tentative agreement is another important step in strengthening the health plan relied on by IATSE members and their families.”