Andrew Sullivan Calls Hillary Clinton ‘Talent-Free Hack’ on ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’ (Video)

Commentator battles with Maher, Rob Thomas and Anne-Marie Slaughter about the Clinton campaign on Friday’s episode

On Friday’s episode of HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” things got heated when blogger Andrew Sullivan kept bashing Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

Speaking about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, Sullivan said, “Who’s up against this guy? This unbelievably useless, terrible candidate of Hillary Clinton who has shown no… has she ever given a speech that you were inspired by? Does she have any retail skills? Is she able to come across on TV?”

Maher rushed to Clinton’s defense, but not before squeezing in his personal opinion about her presidential candidacy.

“I find her slogan, ‘Are You Ready For Hillary?’ to perfectly capsulize how I feel about her,” he said. “Am I ready for Hillary? Yes. Am I excited? No. It’s like getting a shot.”

Sullivan did not stop there, and while Matchbox 20 frontman Rob Thomas and New America Foundation CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter defended the former Secretary of State, Sullivan wasn’t having any of it.

“Since she started campaigning, her polls have continued to sink,” he said. “A large majority of the country don’t believe a word she is saying for good reason. This week, her cynicism almost reached a perfect Clinton level!”

Slaughter insisted that Clinton was a massive frontrunner, identified her achievements and argued that “she worked for women at every single level of her career.”

“She’s a talent-free hack,” Sullivan said before tearing into Clinton’s “disastrous Libya invasion which repeated every mistake that George W. Bush made.”

When Maher asked Sullivan why he hates Clinton so much, Sullivan insisted that he doesn’t “hate her, I just think she’s a mediocrity. They need to find someone with ability and talent and leadership, not her!”

When he cited Clinton’s “dumb error with the email server,” the group turned against him once again, especially when he said that 60 percent of the country doesn’t trust Clinton.

“60 percent of the country believes in Noah’s Ark!” Maher fired back.

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Bernie Sanders is catching up to Clinton in the polls. From Oct. 4 to Oct. 9, Clinton’s support decreased from 51 percent to just 41 percent.

Watch the video.
