“The Walking Dead” star Andrew Lincoln is set to star opposite Naomi Watts in “Penguin Bloom,” the upcoming adaptation of Bradley Trevor Greive and Cameron Bloom’s bestseller.
The film will be directed by Glendyn Ivin (“Safe Harbor”) and written by Shaun Grant and Harry Cripps and is set to begin production in Australia at the beginning of August.
Watts will also produce alongside Emma Cooper and Made Up Stories’ Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson and Steve Hutensky.
Lincoln will star as Cameron Bloom, the husband of Sam Bloom (Watts), in a true story about a little bird that saves a family. A family struggles to come to terms with a near-fatal accident that left their mother paralyzed and they have to adjust to their situation until an injured Magpie chick comes along.
Cameron Bloom, Sam Bloom and BTG will also executive produce alongside Ricci Swart.
“We were all captivated by this heart-warming story of resilience, the power of family and hope,” the producers said in a statement. “We’re thrilled to have the supremely talented Andrew Lincoln on board to bring the Bloom’s story to audiences around the world.”
Lincoln is best known for his role in AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” His other credits include “Love Actually” and the British TV series “Teachers.” He will next reprise his role as Rick Grimes in the upcoming “Walking Dead” films. He is represented by CAA and Markham, Froggatt and Irwin and attorney Geoffry Oblath.
Watts will next be seen in “Luce” and “The Wolf Hour.” She is also currently shooting the prequel to “Game of Thrones.” She is represented by CAA, Linsten Management and Markham, Froggatt and Irwin.