The battle for Comic-Con is heating up — and moving to Facebook.
On its website, the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau has posted "An Open Letter to Comic-Con International," making the case for moving the ever-expanding fan convention from its longtime home, San Diego, to Anaheim, which has "the largest convention center on the West Coast."
Comic-Con has for years drawn criticism for being overcrowded and unable to accommodate all the fans who would like to attend. Although the event isn’t until August, passes sold out more than a month ago.
Comic-Con has a contract to remain in San Diego for the next three years, but the event is up for grabs starting with the 2013 edition, and Anaheim has put in its bid.
The open letter says: "(W)e get the feeling that it is going to take something extra to get [Comic-Con] to leave a place of comfort and familiarity to come to Anaheim. We need to show you the level of interest and excitement that Comic-Con International elicits out of this huge Southern California drive market. You need to be assured that moving to Anaheim is the best decision you could ever make."
So, Anaheim is turning to the fans. "We’ve set up a Facebook Fan Page to gauge the fervor of the Southern California crowd; a page to show you just how excited people would get at the mere consideration of Comic-Con International moving to Anaheim," the letter says.
Comments already posted on the Facebook page include "Even Gotham City pales in comparison to Anaheim…bring it!!" and "Having attended the convention in San Diego I simply feel it is too small of a venue to handle the size the con has grown into…."
Stay tuned…
More to read:
Anaheim Wants to Steal Comic-Con From San Diego