Amy Adams on Why She ‘Became the First Woman in History to Reject a Hug From Brad Pitt’ (Video)

“You think he’s going to move in slow motion and you imagine yourself looking pretty in a white gown. But that wasn’t the case,” actress says

We’re betting this is not how Amy Adams envisioned her fantasy of meeting and working with Brad Pitt.

The actress spoke to Jimmy Kimmel Thursday about being on set for “Vice,” which Pitt produced. Pitt came to set one day — key word being “one,” Adams stressed — but not only was she in heavy makeup and a large suit to portray an elderly Lynne Cheney, she was also recently diagnosed with pink eye.

“He went to give me a hug, and I go, ‘Oh it’s happening!’ Then I realized that I can’t hug him, I have pink eye,” Adams said. “I was like, ‘Noooooo! No!’ So at that moment, I became the first woman in history to reject a hug from Brad Pitt.”

Clearly Adams could tell this would’ve been a special occasion for herself and all the other women on set, and she’s played out this moment in her head a few times before.

“I was wondering why all the girls had lip gloss and were skipping to set,” Adams said. “So I’m walking onto set like, ‘What’s everyone so happy about?’ All the sudden I see Brad Pitt. I’ve seen him before, but every time you see him, you think it’s like ‘A River Runs Through It.’ You think he’s going to move in slow motion and you imagine yourself looking pretty in a white gown. But that wasn’t the case. I was in my fat suit with pink eye.”

Adams joked that if the film wins a Golden Globe or an Oscar for Best Picture, Pitt will take the time to thank her for not giving him pink eye that day. Maybe then she can get a hug.

“I hope he does too,” Adams said. “That was a real sacrifice.”

Watch the video above.
