Alex Jones Custody Case Shockers: Therapy Striptease, ‘Drunk’ Video and the Chili Defense

Bizarre allegations against Infowars honcho are aired in court

Alex Jones Lady Gaga

Alex Jones’ child custody case raged on in a Texas courthouse on Tuesday, offering jaw-dropping accusations worthy of, well, an Infowars report.

As the popular conspiracy theorist faced off with his ex-wife, Kelly, for custody of their children, ages 14, 12 and 9, numerous mind-boggling claims about the host of “The Alex Jones Show” were tossed about the courtroom, to the amusement and perhaps semi-horror of reporters on the scene.

Read on for the three biggest shockers from Tuesday’s court date.

Apparently, chili causes memory loss.
According to Austin American-Statesman Jonathan Tilove, Kelly Jones’ attorney Bobby Newman told the court that, in a deposition, Alex Jones testified that “he couldn’t recall basic facts about kids, because, ‘I had a big bowl of chili for lunch.’”

Jones reportedly bares more than his soul during therapy.
Tilove also reported that Newman also told the court of Jones, “He takes his clothes off at therapy sessions.”

Apparently the mere verbal mention of a shirtless Jones wasn’t enough to rock the courthouse — video evidence of such was also presented, according to BuzzFeed News senior technology writer Charlie Warzel.

“Still kinda reeling from hearing that Jones allegedly…took his shirt off in a family joint therapy session?” Warzel wrote, later adding, “Can’t speak 4 everyone but it’s surreal to be 10 ft from AJ & watch videos of him taking shirt off & hear lawyer defend claims of paranoia.”

Alex Jones seems to be proud of his tolerance to alcohol.
The shirtless video wasn’t the only eye-grabbing footage the courtroom was treated to. Both Tilove and Warzel reported on viewing footage of Jones seemingly boozed up, and making some puzzling statements.

Tilove reported viewing footage of Jones roaring “in an obviously inebriated state in report from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.”

Another video entry depicted Jones “in DC drunk, slurring, ‘The age of fake bullsh– is over, the run of man is here .. going to run over you,’” according to Tilove.

Video also captured Jones “bragging about being able to drink a jug of Jack Daniels without showing it,” Tilove reported.

“Next clip is of Alex Jones on Washington Mall before inauguration, slurring words. ‘I’m gonna go piss on some tree’ he says in clip,” Warzel tweeted.

Read on for the accounts.
