Alabama TV Weatherman Finds Out a Tornado Struck His Home – While He’s on Air

Despite the news, he continued to smoothly anchor the news for viewers

On Thursday, Alabama meteorologist James Spann got a big surprise while reporting on a wave of severe storms Thursday, as he received news during the broadcast that his own home had been damaged by a Tornado.

Spann left mid-broadcast and when he came back on the air, he explained that “the reason I had to step out: we’ve had major damage at my house. My wife is OK. A tornado came right through there and it’s not good. It’s bad. It’s bad.”

Ultimately, Spann got lucky. According to his wife, a massive tree missed his house — she was protected in their personal storm shelter, built to withstand F5 tornados.

“Had a scare today. As I often say, tornadoes happen to real people, at a real place, at a real time,” Spann tweeted after the broadcast. He also shared a post from Facebook that thanked people for checking in and explaining more about the situation.

“My wife was at home when it hit, but she got the warning, was in our home shelter, and is fine, Spann wrote. “While we have lost many trees, the home is intact and we will not have to ‘rebuild.’” Spann ended his post by asking readers to help others in the state who suffered worse damage and thanked them for their kindness.
