Ahmanson Foundation Helps KCET Go Independent

Los Angeles’ KCET is separating from PBS next year

The Ahmanson Foundation in Los Angeles has awarded KCET, a local public television station, a $1 million grant for the purpose of converting KCET to an independent public television station, Al Jerome, KCET president and CEO announced Tuesday.

KCET will be the country's largest independent public television station, effective Jan. 1, 2011, when the station is ending its 40-year-long affiliation with the Public Broadcasting System. The channel said the decision came about after the two sides failed to reach an agreement on a reduction in dues and greater programming flexibility.

"The Ahmanson Foundation has been one of KCET's most important and longstanding foundation supporters," said Jerome. "The foundation has provided grants for all three seasons of "SoCal Connected," and it has underwritten the local broadcast of "Nova" on KCET for many years.

"This expression of strong support for KCET at this critical juncture in our history is an inspiration as we continue our efforts to make this new independent KCET a model for independent public media in the 21st century."

The Ahmanson Foundation's stated mission includes a commitment to support "non-profit organizations that demonstrate sound fiscal management, efficient operation, and program integrity," and by doing so, "the Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life and cultural legacy of the Los Angeles community."
