James Woods Joins Brendan Fraser by Sharing His Own Philip Berk Story

Actor and noted conservative says he was blacklisted by former HFPA president after being asked if he would support Hillary Clinton

James Woods
Getty Images

Don’t worry, Brendan Fraser — James Woods has your back.

After Fraser came forward in a GQ interview to suggest that his career might have suffered after accusing former Hollywood Foreign Press Association president Philip Berk of groping him, “Once Upon a Time in America” actor Woods showed his support Thursday, and shared his own story about Berk.

Though Woods said that Berk had not gotten physical with him, the actor said that he had been blacklisted by Berk.

“I recommend this interview highly. I, too, was blacklisted by that individual at #HFPA after nine Golden Globe nominations,” noted conservative Woods tweeted, with a link to Fraser’s GQ interview. “During a press junket with HFPA, he asked if I would support Hillary Clinton if she ever ran for president. Never nominated again.”

Woods added, “For the record, however, he was never physically ‘sketchy’ with me in any way similar to that alleged by Brendan Fraser in GQ. He was probably aware I might have knocked his teeth out, had he tried. Final note: I’m so glad Brendan Fraser is back entertaining us. I’m a big fan.”

Fraser remembers a 2003 incident that Berk himself recounted in his memoir and that was reported by TheWrap founder Sharon Waxman, who at the time worked for The New York Times. Although Berk said he “pinched” Fraser’s butt, the actor himself says it was more than that.

“His left hand reaches around, grabs my a– cheek, and one of his fingers touches me in the taint. And he starts moving it around,” Fraser told GQ. When he was finally able to remove Berk’s hand, he added, “I felt ill. I felt like a little kid. I felt like there was a ball in my throat. I thought I was going to cry.”

Fraser said he asked the HFPA for a written apology, and according to him, the HFPA said Berk would never be allowed in a room with Fraser again. Berk denied that to GQ.

He added that the experience “made me retreat. It made me feel reclusive,” and he wondered whether the HFPA blacklisted him afterward.

“I don’t know if this curried disfavor with the group, with the HFPA,” he said. “But the silence was deafening.” Berk told GQ the HFPA did not retaliate against Fraser and that his career declined “through no fault of ours.”

The HFPA said in an official statement Thursday, “The HFPA stands firmly against sexual harassment and the type of behavior described in this article. Over the years we’ve continued a positive working relationship with Brendan, which includes announcing Golden Globe nominees, attending the ceremony and participating in press conferences. This report includes alleged information that the HFPA was previously unaware of and at this time we are investigating further details surrounding the incident.”

TheWrap has reached out to an HFPA spokesman for comment on Woods’ accusations.
