Aaron Eckhart Accused by Costar Abigail Breslin of ‘Aggressive’ and ‘Demeaning’ Behavior on Set

The star of “Little Miss Sunshine” claims that the “Dark Knight” actor behaved such that she was afraid to be alone with him

Abigail Breslin
Abigail Breslin revealed she is a survivor of domestic abuse (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

Abigail Breslin is alleging that Aaron Eckhart acted so aggressively toward her on the set of the movie “Classified” that she was afraid to be alone with him. The allegations are contained within a lawsuit filed, obtained by TheWrap, by the film’s production companies against the “Little Miss Sunshine” actress for breach of contract. The suit claims that her “specious” accusations cost the film $80,000. 

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday in the Los Angeles Superior County Superior Court states, “During the course of production, the entire production almost ground to a halt when Breslin advised the production of Eckhart’s (allegedly) aggressive, demeaning, and unprofessional behavior which she insisted placed her at various times in peril.” 

The complaint states that the plaintiffs do not know if Breslin confronted her co-star about the alleged behavior, but they were aware that she wrote a letter to the Screen Actors Guild “setting forth her fears and blasting Mr. Eckhart’s behavior.”  

“In order for the production to continue…Breslin refused to be alone in several scenes with Eckhart, and costly accommodations had to be made,” the filing further states. 

A rep for Breslin told “Rolling Stone,” which initially reported the suit, that Breslin “is not aware of any action filed against her and has not been served with any legal notice.” Furthermore, the rep stated that “Ms. Breslin categorically denies all contended allegations and unequivocally stands by her statement which she provided confidentially to SAG.” 

The plaintiffs, Dream Team Studios and WM Holdings, claim that the film’s on-set producer, identified as Mr. Georgiev, has prepared a report based on an investigation. That investigation allegedly found “no evidence in support of Breslin’s wild, hysterical and imaginary allegations against Eckhart.”  

The filing claims the finished film faces “delivery issues” because it contains “few scenes” where the two stars appear onscreen together. The producers also claim Breslin has since “demanded the payment of $35,000 as a condition” of signing her final agreement, which is a requirement for the film’s release and the producers’ ability to claim tax credits in Malta. 

The complaint alleges Breslin’s “refusal” to sign “has completely imperiled the financial wellbeing of the production, including concluding distribution agreements and delivering under the terms of existing distribution agreements.”  

The producers are asking for $80,000 in real damages in addition to punitive damages. 

Pamela Chelin contributed to this report.

Rolling Stone first reported this news. 


3 responses to “Aaron Eckhart Accused by Costar Abigail Breslin of ‘Aggressive’ and ‘Demeaning’ Behavior on Set”

  1. JimT Avatar

    More complaints will probably come out & that’s him done.

    1. Venita Ozols-Graham Avatar
      Venita Ozols-Graham

      I’ve heard many complaints about his behavior towards women through the years in Hollywood. His time may have come. 

    2. David C Avatar
      David C

      Nope, she is the one that is done. She is basically shaking down the production company for an additional $35K in order to sign off so they can release the film. The producer’s investigation found no validity to her claims. Nobody is going to want to cast her after this behavior.

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