ABC’s favorite approach is using conspicuously placed objects to hide Washington’s burgeoning baby bump, like this conveniently placed telephone.
This time it was a piece of furniture that was used to distract viewers.
Okay this one is just ridiculous. Obscured by a giant eagle wing?
Twice in one scene, this time the lamp is given distraction duty.
The ‘lean over and block your stomach with the wine bottle’ tactic is used here.
They also feel the need to block her stomach when she’s seated.
In crowded rooms, you can bet Ms. Pope is standing behind a perfectly placed staff member.
Sometimes Washington has to take matters into her own hands, like when she held this giant binder precisely in front of her still obvious bump.
It must be freezing in DC because there is rarely an episode where Pope is not in a frumpy jacket.
As if the huge jackets weren’t bad enough, several times a gigantic purse has been strategically used to cover the bump.
But after all of the valiant efforts to keep the bump in the dark, sometimes “Scandal” does give us a glimpse of the baby on board.
Olivia Pope, we miss obsessing over your fabulous outfits and we can’t wait for the day that they pull you out from behind the props.