In the age of streaming bundles, Peacock may be the most attractive asset according to new data from Fandom. The world’s largest fan platform leveraged its first-party data, called FanDNA, from its 350 million monthly visitors to take a deeper dive into the individual streaming services and TheWrap can exclusively reveal those findings first.
Fandom’s data, based on site visitation and how popular series overindex with fans across 300 subgenres, suggest Peacock’s diverse and distinct library of reality programming, medical and crime procedural dramas and combat sports makes it the best compliment to other existing streamers.
Fandom users who are fans of Peacock content are 15x more likely to be fans of cop dramas than other Fandom users, 13x more likely to be fans of police procedurals, 12x more likely to be fans of suspense mysteries, 8x more likely to be fans of CG animation and 7x more likely to be fans of combat sports.