“Queen Sugar” on the Oprah Winfrey Network is already filled with drama, but we couldn’t help stirring the pot by ranking the show’s characters from worst to best.

9. Davis West (Timon Kyle Durrett)
Boooooooooo! We literally only liked him for about half of the first episode.

8. Darla (Bianca Lawson)
OK, so she loses a lot of points for being the worst mom ever, but the important part is that she’s trying now. Go Darla!

7. Charley Bordelon West (Dawn Lyn Gardner)
We love Charley and we know she means well, but she can be a bit controlling at times — especially when it comes to flaunting around her money. Sometimes it’s as if she feels like she can do what she wants around the farm without consulting anyone because she’s putting up the most cash.
But homegirl earned her way to the top fair and square and we can’t fault her for her work ethic.

6. Hollywood Desonier (Omar Dorsey)
Awww Hollywood. He’s only trying to love Aunt Violet the best he can, but that doesn’t mean we can just overlook that time he lied about his somewhat ex-wife.

5. Ralph Angel Bordelon (Kofi Siriboe)
Ralph Angel is like the sweet younger brother that always got himself in trouble, who is finally getting his life together but no one wants to really give him the benefit of the doubt just yet.
Ralph Angel is a dope dude and a great father who’s just trying to do right and honor his father’s farm and name.

4. Micah West (Nicholas L. Ashe)
Even though Micah could totally be a spoiled rich kid if he wanted to — he’s not and we’ve got to give him credit for that. He’s a good kid, nothing wrong here.

3. Blue Bordelon (Ethan Hutchison)
Cutest. Kid. Ever. Plus he doesn’t subscribe to societal gender norms and has a Barbie as a toy that he takes practically everywhere. We love him.

2. Violet Bordelon (Tina Lifford)
Violet is the best aunt anyone could wish for, but she’s also not one to be messed with. She knows her worth as we saw when she demanded that her job treat her well or else she’d leave them in the chaotic mess they created for themselves.

1. Nova Bordelon (Rutina Wesley)
If there’s anyone who’s going to keep it real with you, it’s Nova. She’s also the most understanding and open-minded person on the show. She’s very community oriented and is always willing to help out in any way.
What more could you want from a BFF? But get your own, because Nova is ours. Sorry.