“An Inconvenient Truth” (2006)
Director Davis Guggenheim‘s documentary follows Al Gore’s campaign to educate citizens about global warming.

“Racing Extinction” (2015)
This documentary is about the myriad of ways the human race is diminishing the planet and raising the temperature of earth.

“The Perfect Storm” (2000)
Starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg, this seafaring drama tells the true story of the 1991 Perfect Storm, a hurricane that sank the Andrea Gail boat and totaled over $200 million in damages.

“The Day After Tomorrow” (2004)
Jake Gyllenhaal and Dennis Quaid battle catastrophic climatic effects after a series of extreme weather events lead to a new ice age.

“2012” (2009)
A frustrated writer (John Cusack) struggles to keep his family in the wake of a geological and meteorological super-disaster.

“Snowpiercer” (2013)
A failed climate-change experiment kills all life on the planet except for a lucky few who boarded a train called the Snowpiercer.

“Waterworld” (1995)
Starring Kevin Costner, this post-apocalyptic science fiction film follows a group of survivors searching for dry land after the polar ice-caps have melted and submerged the world in water.

“Happy Feet” (2006)
“Happy Feet” is adorable but not subtle in its messages about global warming imperiling penguins and overfishing in the Arctic.