There’s something about old movies that provokes fans to reinterpret major plot points. Just consider the following …

The 1978 musical starred Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta as high-school lovers Sandy and Danny. But what if … Sandy was DEAD through the whole thing? Sarah Michelle Gellar wrote a post expressing amazement at the fan theory.

“The Wizard of Oz”
This one is really weird. According to a Usenet discussion group theory from the 1990s, Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” album pairs perfectly with the 1939 movie when both are played together simultaneously. The band’s drummer later joked their album was really based on “The Sound of Music.”

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
The movie seems like harmless teenage escapism, but this theory has it that poor Ferris is actually a figment of the imagination of his tortured buddy, Cameron.

“The Karate Kid”
Danny, played by Ralph Macchio, is supposedly the hero of this coming-of-age classic. But what if he was actually the bully who picked on fair-haired boy Johnny? Depends on your perspective!

“Little Mermaid”
What if the sunken ship Ariel visits in this Disney classic was actually ….

… the very same ship that sunk in THIS Disney movie, killing Elsa and Anna’s parents and setting up the whole plot? Discuss.

“Mary Poppins”
She might be a Time Lord, one of the extraterrestrial people from “Doctor Who.” At least that’s one of the more popular Reddit fan theories, which you can check out here.

“Harry Potter” franchise
That Harry Potter sure does have an active social life. Or does he? What if he’s really a warped mental patient? (Or alternatively, what if Voldemort was really … Hitler?)

“Star Wars”
Remember Obi-Wan Kenobi? It’s possible, just possible, that he wasn’t a wise man but merely a robot clone.

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