Kanye West Deletes All Tweets, Leaves One: ‘June Eighteen’

Kanye West has gotten lots of attention for wild tweets, but on Thursday he drew notice for deleting them. The rapper removed everything he's ever tweeted and left just one message: "June Eighteen."

Alright, you might say: New Kanye album June 18! But no, it's probably not that.

West's ladyfriend, Kim Kardashian, announced she was pregnant with their child on Dec. 31. So it wouldn't be too big a guess to say this is actually a due date.

Is West harnessing the power of social media to hype a baby being born? Is nothing sacred?

Probably, and hahaha, no.

June 18 is a pretty good musical birthday: It's the day Paul McCartney came into the world. It's also when your karaoke-enthusiastic humble corresondent was born. Neither could be reached for comment.

