Thanks to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, many fans have come to think of political humor as having a distinctly liberal agenda. But these comics are among those putting a conservative spin on joke-telling in the Trump era.

Dennis Miller
The former “Weekend Update” anchor from “SNL” has been an outspoken conservative for years.
Sample line: “Don’t kid yourself. At this point, any vote for anyone that is not Donald Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Dick Masterson
The satirist and host of “The Dick Show” podcast takes delight in making steam pour out of liberals’ ears by denigrating women, college students and of course Hillary Clinton.
Sample line: “‘Here’s Why We Grieve Today’ because we have to wait 4 long years to ELECT TRUMP AGAIN!!!”

Evan Sayet
This comic and MC likes to take on political correctness, global warming and other liberal sacred cows.
Sample line: “Do scientists really know what the temperature was in northeast Siberia in the year 802?”

Bill Burr
Burr has been the king of anti-politically correct comedians for years. Although he’s not specifically pro-Trump, he says he got grief for trying to explain Trump’s appeal on “Conan.”
Sample: “I like Republicans better than Democrats, because I know they don’t like me. I know they don’t want me in their neighborhood.”

Sam Hyde
He’s one of the forces behind the comedy group Million Dollar Extreme; the creators contend that their Adult Swim show was canceled as retribution for supporting Trump.
Sample line: “Comedians these days, just like journalists and academics, are expected to toe an ideological line.”

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