Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie Blast the Media During CNBC’s GOP Debate

Donald Trump delivers money quote by railing against CNBC moderator: “I don’t know, you people write this stuff”

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The third Republican presidential debate of the 2016 campaign had several moments worthy of a highlight reel, most of them centering around testy candidates fighting with each other, CNBC, and frankly, whoever got in their way.

Here are the 5 breakout moments from Wednesday night’s face-off.

1.Trump Picks Fight With CNBC, Rages Against the Super Pacs

The first question posed to Donald Trump came from co-moderator John Harwood, who asked the real estate mogul if he was running a “comic book” campaign.

Trump wasn’t pleased, firing back: “That’s not a very nice question.” He then went on to recite his talking points before Harwood cut him off.

The Donald also got into it with Ohio Governor John Kasich, who came out of the gate railing against candidates big on unrealistic promises and short on substance.

Trump then ripped Super Pacs, which he called a big “scam,” and urged all the candidates on stage to give money back to the Super Pacs funding them.

The real estate mogul also took CNBC moderator Becky Quick to task, suggesting she had exaggerated a statement that he made on immigration.

Quick first mentioned that Trump was critical of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg, who wanted to increase H-1B visas for highly skilled immigrants. But when Trump said he hadn’t been critical, Quick admitted she was a bit confused. “Where did I come up with this?” she asked.

Trump delivered one of the money soundbites of the night, responding: “I don’t know, you people write this stuff.”

2. Ted Cruz Runs Wild on CNBC

The Texas senator went off on CNBC for being part of the liberal media conspiracy that’s out to get Republicans.

“How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?” Cruz pleaded to loud applause from the crowd.

Cruz went on to accuse the media of kissing the Democrats’ feet during their first debate, suggesting that the moderators basically asked Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the other candidates: “Which of you is more handsome and wise?”

Cruz concluded his rage against the media by predicting none of CNBC’s moderators would be casting a vote for a Republican: “Nobody watching at home believes any of the moderators have intentions of voting in a Republican primary.”

“You find a Democrat who’s willing to give $10 in spending cuts for $1 dollar in tax increases, I’ll give them a warm kiss.”

3. The Student Schools the Teacher: Marco Rubio Rips Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush got into Marco Rubio’s face, with the former governor confronting the senator he mentored in Florida about his dubious record of not showing up for votes in Congress.

“You should be showing up to work… When you signed up for this, this was a six-year term,” Bush scolded Rubio. “The Senate, what is it like a French work week? You get, like, three days where you have to show up? Bush continued, finishing that Rubio is “ripping us off.”

Rubio didn’t back down, arguing that Bush said he was modeling his campaign after Senator John McCain, and the former Republican nominee himself missed a ton of votes when he ran for president.

“I don’t remember you ever complaining about John McCain’s vote record,” Rubio said, concluding the only reason Bush was railing against him was because somebody “has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you.”

4. Chris Christie Hates Fantasy Football

The New Jersey governor responded to a question about whether the fantasy football industry should be regulated by railing at the notion of a fantasy football question being asked during a presidential debate.

“Fantasy Football! We have ISIS and al Qaeda attacking us and we’re talking about fantasy football?” Christie railed to roaring applause.

Jeb Bush wasn’t as angry about the question, proudly answering, “I’m 7-0 in my fantasy football league. Gronkowski [New England Tight End Rob Gronkowski] is still going strong,” he said.

5. Jeb Bush Gives Democrats a Warm Kiss, Does Little Else

Bush was the candidate who needed a breakout debate performance the most, and he simply didn’t deliver the goods.

The former Florida governor continued to deliver his policy proposals in a year that the majority of Republican voters seem more attracted to the flash and zing that Donald Trump and Ben Carson are known for.

The closest thing to a buzzy soundbite Bush scored was in reference to whether he’d accept a deal that saw $10 in spending cuts for $1 dollar in tax increases. Bush would accept; in fact, he’d give those Democrats a “warm kiss.”

It’s unlikely Bush’s donors will be kissing him after his debate performance.
