Bed selfie. (Is the internet sick of them yet? Judging by the “likes”, Apparently not.)

Franco posts then quickly deletes this nearly-naked photo to Instagram sparking a social media frenzy

No doubt — even in character as “Spring Breakers” Riff Raff, James Franco could still get a lot of posse.

Good morning world.

Flashback of a young Franco and Jason Segel.

Bed Selfie!

Charming and cheeky – Franco defaces the “Bates Motel” sign.

Even men need beauty rest and James Franco isn’t afraid to admit it.

James Franco steps up his bed-selfie game with help from “Pretty Little Liars” bud Keegan Allen.

When Franco posted this pic, we weren’t exactly sure what was going on here either.

Bromance Alert: Seth Rogen and James Franco’s outdo their Kimye music video parody with a Vogue Magazine spoof.

Blurred Lines? Franco turns the tables on female objectification. Honorable yet odd.

James Franco shows off his pineapple express in tights, white tights. ‘Nuff said.

James Dean Franco

James Franco actor, writer, director and zoo keeper?

James Franco dresses in drag for Candy’s ad.

Barbie doll selfie! Franco with his character from “Oz: The Great and Powerful.” Inanimate photography is officially cool.

James Franco channels inner dork Napoleon Dynamite.

James Franco shows us his serious side with a dead-panned camera glare.

Franco selfies himself in front of a light blub calling it “James Franco has an idea.”

“But first let me take a selfie”

Franco photographs young girls on a shoot he calls “Romeo and Juilet.”

Franco reveals grand-master painting

What would James Franco be without the occasional Instagram foodie post? Pre-Oscar Hamburger, anyone?

Actor, painter, musician and show-off, Franco is the King of the World! – er – Instagram!