1,500 Students Perform Anna Kendrick’s ‘Cups’ — And Set a World Record (Video)

In case you didn’t know there was a world record for the most people performing “When I’m Gone” with cups there is, and these kids broke it

Anna Kendrick sang “When I’m Gone” in Universal’s 2012 hit “Pitch Perfect” along to the beat of the cups game, and immediately spawned a legion of internet imitators.

But until now, none of them has even come close to breaking a world record doing so.

See video: Anna Kendrick Expresses Shock at ‘Cups’ Success Via Instagram 

Canada’s Collége Saint-Bernard in Drummondville, Quebec, set out to do just that when it enlisted 1,500 teachers and students — from kindergarten through high school — to perform the “Cups” song.

The result is not just record breaking but pretty spectacular as well, as the students do “Cups” underwater, in a cheerleading stunt, and of course, in class — when they probably should have been studying Français.

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