There are so many questions left unanswered by the end of Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” that fans have good reason to believe a second season could be in store. The show is based on Jay Asher’s book of the same name and follows 13 tapes made by a teenage girl who has taken her own life. Click through for the seven biggest cliffhangers from Season 1 (spoilers!):

Will Alex survive?
Spoiler warning! In the finale, principal Bolan (Steven Weber) tells school counselor Mr. Porter (Derek Luke) that Alex (Miles Heizer) is in the hospital for a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Throughout the season, Alex was despondent and wanted to tell the truth about Hannah’s (Katherine Langford’s) suicide, but was often steamrolled by the other students into silence. Will another Liberty High student fall to suicide? A second season could explore the fallout… whether Alex lives or dies.

What happens to Jess?
In the finale, Jessica (Alisha Boe) finally tells her dad that she was raped. Does this mean she wants to press charges? Will her dad seek justice? Will she ever forgive Justin (Brandon Flynn), who wanted to protect her but failed?

What is going on with Tyler?
Poor Tyler (Devin Druid). Yes, it was really creepy of him to take pictures of Hannah without her consent. It was illegal. But Tyler has faced humiliation after humiliation, and the crew trying to prevent the tapes from being released to the public have kept him out of their discussions again and again. We see Tyler purchase a gun, and in the finale, we see he has a whole collection going. There is a shot of him looking at photographs of what seem like his targets — students who have harmed him in some way, Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) included. Is Tyler planning something horrible? Will he go through with it, or will he find the help and friendship he needs to change his mind?

Where will this lawsuit lead?
Now that Tyler has told the lawyers about the tapes, and that Hannah’s parents have them, what kind of legal action will be taken? Now that Hannah’s parents have the answers they’ve been looking for, will they continue to seek legal justice? And Clay’s mom Lainie (Amy Hargreaves) is getting awfully twisted up in the lawsuit and Clay’s involvement. Will she take herself out of the mix?

Is Mr. Porter responsible?
As a school counselor, it’s Mr. Porter’s job to notice if students that come to him need more help. Hannah told him about her rape, but didn’t give details out of fear. Mr. Porter could have done more during their conversation and recognized she was desperate. But will the school hold him accountable?

Will Bryce get what he deserves?
Bryce (Justin Prentice) raped two girls at Liberty High, but because he is a big football star and his parents have a lot of money, he doesn’t fear retribution. Worse, he doesn’t even seem to recognize his actions as wrong, and assumes any girl in his vicinity wants to have sex with him (even if she’s unconscious). Now that the tapes are out, Jessica has come forward, and Clay recorded his confession, will there be an additional lawsuit against Bryce? (It would be so satisfying to see Bryce go to jail in a Season 2.)

What happens to Clay?
Our lead ends the season finale riding off with Tony (Christian Navarro), Skye (Sosie Bacon) and Tony’s boyfriend. How will Clay deal with the fallout from the tapes? Will he get over the deaths of his friends Hannah and Jeff (Brandon Larracuente)? What will he say in his deposition? And will the other kids on the tapes keep trying to stop him?