From DC to Marvel, and Fox to Disney — click through to see which superhero movies have been the best-reviewed on Rotten Tomatoes so far.

“Wonder Woman” (Fresh at 97 Percent on Rotten Tomatoes)
The film starring Gal Gadot as Diana Prince was warmly-received by critics and became the highest- rated DC film to date.

“The Incredibles” (Fresh at 97 Percent)
The 2004 computer-animated film remains one of the highest-rated superhero films of all time.

“The Dark Knight” (Fresh at 94 Percent)
Praised as one of the best superhero films to date, the 2008 film really made Heath Ledger shine as The Joker. Unfortunately the actor passed away before the movie hit theaters.

“Iron Man” (Fresh at 94 Percent)
The first movie in the “Iron Man” franchise starring Robert Downey Jr. remains the best in the series, with 94 percent positive reviews.

“Spider-Man 2” (Fresh at 93 Percent)
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst starred in this Spidey film.

“Superman” (Fresh at 93 Percent)
Christopher Reeve played Superman/ Clark Kent in the 1978 classic, which also starred Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman and Margot Kidder.

“Logan” (Fresh at 92 Percent)
Another stellar superhero film hit theaters in 2017: “Logan,” Hugh Jackman’s final stint as the clawed mutant, Wolverine.

“The Avengers” (Fresh at 92 Percent)
The ensemble superhero film stunned audiences back in 2012 and continues to hold up the Tomatometer with 92 percent.

“Guardians of the Galaxy” (Fresh at 91 Percent)
The James Gunn-directed film starred Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana and received great reviews as well as a lot of laughs.

“X-Men: Days of Future Past” (Fresh at 91 Percent)
“Days of Future Past” became the highest “X-Men” film (excluding “Logan”) and starred Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Nicholas Hoult.

“Captain America: Civil War” (Fresh at 90 percent)
The third “Captain America” film in the franchise stunned the world as it introduced new characters, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther.

“Doctor Strange (Fresh at 90 Percent)
Scott Derrickson directed the film starring Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead.

“Lego Batman Movie” (Fresh at 90 Percent)
The animated Warner Bros. flick starred Will Arnett as Batman and also featured the voices of Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Ralph Fiennes and Rosario Dawson.