About 1500 people made it to United Talent Agency (UTA) headquarters Friday for their big pre-Oscars protest of Donald Trump’s controversial immigration ban. Sure, the ban targeting Muslim immigrants has deeply divided the country, but it has united Hollywood — against it, naturally. So while ears were fixed on Jodie Foster’s fiery speech, eyes were on attendees, who came strapped with protest signs denouncing — and mocking — the president. Well, except for the one dude who braved a swarm of liberal coastal elites to rep Team Trump. Here are some examples.

Lots of immigrants make their home and their living in Hollywood, saving us from repeating the terrible mistake of having John Wayne play Genghis Khan.

One of the angrier protest signs, it also feels like the liner notes to a 1980’s hardcore album.

This is the event’s official sign. (The actual name for the rally is “United Voices.”)

Fun arts and crafts-style sign, and a dope reference to “Fatal Attraction.”

Sometimes the best defense is a good schoolyard diss… especially when the opponent is the “grab em by the p—–” guy.

Presumably, this is a heartfelt plea for the president not to tan so much.

This sign sums up the point of the rally, while deftly knocking two of Trump’s anti-immigration priorities.

Here’s a demonstrator with an alternative immigration policy suggestion.

You’d think parodies of Shepard Fairey’s iconic 2008 “Hope” poster would get old. But nope. Not even a little bit.

Here’s the brave soul we mentioned earlier who brought his MAGA swag to rep his boy Donald Trump.

Speaking of brave souls, here’s Rodrigo Moran and Meron Semedar of the advocacy group Refugee Nation, with a flag designed by Syrian refugee Yara Said. Said, who based the flag on the life vest she wore while escaping the war-torn Middle Eastern nation, would be among those affected by Trump’s immigration ban.