10 Best Celebrity Political Endorsements: From Stephen King to Diddy and More

Celebrities offer support for their favorite candidates and causes ahead of Tuesday’s vote

voting booth

Ahead of Tuesday’s midterm election, celebrities made their closing arguments Sunday for their favorite candidates and causes — or for voting in general.

Stephen King asked Iowans to vote against the like-named Rep. Steve King “for personal reasons”: He said he’s “tired of being confused with this racist dumbbell.”

Diddy officially endorsed Stacey Abrams for Georgia governor, saying, “It’s time to fight back.”


Adam Scott got right to the point about his feelings for Abrams.


Chelsea Handler called Illinois congressional candidate Lauren Underwood “an inspirational leader,” who “needs us to help her amplify.”

Zachary Quinto supported Emily Skopov, who is running for state representative in Pennsylvania. He calls Skopov “an everyday citizen compelled to run for office because of the restrictive discriminatory and self-serving policies of the old guard straight white men who have clung to power for far too long.”


Several stars including Jodie Foster, Kyra Sedgwick and Eric McCormack got behind Katie Hill, who is a congressional candidate in Santa Clarita, California.

America Ferrera and Zoe Saldana urged Latino voters to get to the polls:

Mark Ruffallo urged voters to “stand for Standing Rock” Native Americans in the Dakotas:

And Bellamy Young was “knocking on doors & talking w/ my North Carolina family about the need to vote for #fairmaps candidates”:
