Watch 1980 Mark Hamill in ‘Unspeakably Horrifying’ Disco Outfit (Video)

What is happening here?

mark hamill luke skywalker young

A bizarre video of Mark Hamill is circulating on Twitter. A fan account called @HamillMania shared a baffling 56-second reel of the actor, circa “Empire Strikes Back,” singing in German and prancing around a stage meant to mimic outer space in full disco glam, complete with platform boots and sleeves so wide, they could be eagle wings.

Hamill himself retweeted the old video of him in a metallic gold head-to-toe frock, calling it “Unspeakably horrifying on so many levels,” and thanked the fan account for sharing. The cherry on top of the German space-disco sundae was Hamill’s hilarious hashtag: #DontWorryNoOneExceptAFewGermansWillEverSeeThisAgain

Unfortunately for Hamill, what he thought would remain forever lost in the ether of old-school German TV archives, resurfaced for the Internet to enjoy. According to Hamill’s fully sanctioned fan site, the video clip comes from a German television show appropriately called “Disco.” Hamill appeared as a guest on the show in December of 1980, according to the fan site, seven months following the release of “Star Wars: Episode V.”

Watch the video below.
