From Negan to The Governor, “The Walking Dead” has featured some of the most memorable villains in TV history. TheWrap recaps how each baddie came onto the show — and how they met their end (if they have already …)

Played by: Every background actor in Georgia
Death Episode: Still walking
The titular walking dead, the reanimated corpses have been the primary antagonists of the series since Day 1.

Played by: Adam Minarovich
Death Episode: Season 1, Ep. 4
Ed was Carol’s abusive husband. Carol lived in constant fear of his wrath, until Shane beat him to a bloody pulp. He died when walkers invaded the Atlanta camp.

Dr. Edwin Jenner
Played by: Noah Emmerich
Death Episode: Season 1, Ep. 6
Dr. Jenner was the last surviving employee of the Center for Disease Control. After telling Rick and the group that they call carry the walker virus, he starts a self-destruct sequence and seals them all inside the building. They eventually convinced him to let them leave, but he stayed behind and died when the building exploded.

Played by: Jon Bernthal
Death Episode: Season 2, Ep. 12
Shane was Rick’s best friend and partner on the police force. But he developed a fixation on Lori, Rick’s wife, and decided he could replace Rick as leader of the group. Rick was forced to kill Shane before that could happen.

Played by: Nick Gomez
Death Episode: Season 3, Ep. 2
Tomas was one of a handful of survivors Rick and the group found at the prison. Rick immediately recognized the man’s bloodthirsty nature and killed him before he could betray everyone.

Played by: Michael Rooker
Death Episode: Season 3, Ep. 15
Merle, Daryl’s older brother, proved himself to be unpredictable early on. Rick left him handcuffed on a roof in Atlanta, forcing Merle to cut off his hand to survive. He eventually found The Governor, becoming his, ahem, right hand man. But Merle eventually turned good, sacrificing himself in an effort to stop The Governor from killing everyone at the prison.

The Governor
Played by: David Morrissey
Death Episode: Season 4, Ep. 8
The Governor was the leader of Woodbury. Beneath his affable exterior, he routinely ordered his men to indulge in murder to obtain supplies. After losing an eye to Michonne, he swore a vendetta against her, Rick and the group. He died after two failed attempts to seize the prison.

Played by: Andrew J. West
Death Episode: Season 5, Ep. 3
Gareth was the leader of Terminus, the cannibalistic group who falsely promised sanctuary to weary travelers. After they destroyed Terminus, Gareth and several other survivors tracked them to Gabriel’s church, where Rick killed Gareth with his red-handled machete

Played by: Christine Woods
Death Episode: Season 5, Ep. 8
Dawn was the leader of Grady Memorial Hospital, where Beth briefly found refuge. But her system of trading medical treatment for forced labor didn’t sit well with many, including Beth. After Beth stabbed Dawn, Dawn shot and killed Beth. In retaliation, Daryl killed Dawn.

Played by: Corey Brill
Death Episode: Season 5, Ep. 16
Pete was Alexandria’s doctor. He was also an abusive alcoholic who took his rage out on his wife, Jessie. Rick tried to warn everyone, but they turned a blind eye. The final straw came when Pete drunkenly killed Deanna’s husband. Deanna then authorized Rick to execute Pete.

Played by: Michael Traynor
Death Episode: Season 6, Ep. 3
The man we all loved to hate. Nicholas’ cowardice got Noah killed. He then tried and failed to kill Glenn, before eventually killing himself as Glenn watched.

Played by: Austin Abrams
Death Episode: Season 6, Ep. 9
Ron never forgave Rick for killing his abusive father, eventually trying to shoot Rick but only succeeding in taking out one of Carl’s eyes. He met his end when Michonne ran her sword through his heart.

Played by: Benedict Samuel
Death Episode: Season 6, Ep. 9
Owen was the leader of the Wolves, a group who murdered and pillaged to survive. He was captured by Morgan, but eventually escaped and used Denise to try and flee Alexandria. But, in defending Denise, he got himself bitten by a walker and was eventually shot by Carol.

Played by: Brighton Sharbino
Death Episode: Season 4, Ep. 14
Lizzie and her sister Mika were among the survivors at the prison. But Lizzie started to lose her mind, seeing walkers as harmless and treating them as pets. She killed her sister in order to prove that she would return as a walker and be completely docile. Carol ultimately killed Lizzie by shooting her in the back of the head.

Played by: Jeff Kober
Death Episode: Season 4, Ep. 16
Joe was the leader of a group called The Claimers. They kill without remorse in order to survive, with Rick being forced to kill one of the group while trapped in an abandoned house. Daryl briefly falls in with them, but sides with Rick when Joe tries to kill him, Carl, and Michonne.

Played by: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Death Episode: Still alive
Negan is the leader of The Saviors, a vicious cohort who take what they please by force. He made the most memorable entrance in series history in the Season 6 finale, during which he beat a yet unnamed member of Rick’s group to death.