VH1 is spinning off its scripted show “Hindsight” with a new web series, “Planet Sebastian.” The new show will feature the cast and characters from the original program.
Conceived and written by the creators of “Hindsight,” the new online series revolves around video store manager Sebastian, played by Adam Herschman, as he interviews people for his Public Access style talk show.
Like its predecessor, “Planet Sebastian” is all about 90s nostalgia. All 10 episodes are filmed inside the video store after-hours. The show is shot on beta to give it a vintage-90s tape feel.
On each episode, Sebastian takes on pop culture topics of the 90s as he interviews characters from the show.
Episode 1 covers the best summer blockbuster of 1995, while also giving fans a peak at Sebastian’s backstory.
Watch TheWrap’s exclusive sneak peek of the show here.
“Planet Sebastian” premieres Wednesday at 9 a.m. on VH1.com.